Competitive Robotics (Arduino)


Interested in taking part in competitions such as Robocup, NRC and WRO? CORE offers the best competitive robotics experience, having won over 50 awards nationally and internationally since 2009.

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So you’ve done some robotics classes, maybe even gotten a certificate proclaiming your mastery. You think you know how this works, but do you really if you’ve never pitted your skills against the best in the country, and even the world?

At CORE, we send teams for various competitions to allow our students to benchmark themselves against others and develop skills such as project management and teamwork which would not otherwise be required when signing up for individual lessons. These competitions include:

( * Indicates competitions that are selective, with teams qualifying through the national selection)

Note that participation in any of these competitions is subject to us being able to form a team (usually of 3-4), as well as an evaluation of suitability of the competition for the student.

During the course of the training, students will benefit from:

  • Maximum of 6 students to 1 instructor
  • Priority access to our inventory
  • Ability to bring robots and relevant competition elements home for testing purposes
  • Access to instructor during non-scheduled hours online (e.g. via team Whatsapp Group)
  • Access to workspace during non-scheduled hours (exact arrangement varies based on location)

In spite of our focus on learning before winning, we have still been winning a ton of awards over the years. You can check them out at the About Us tab.

For new sign-ups, please fill up this form instead of purchasing classes immediately. We will get back to you shortly to work out how we can best work with you!

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