Generic Robot Test Mat


Download our free Test Mat (.pdf, .dwg) to calibrate your robot’s tuning parameters!

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Competition mats are great but often test very specific concepts that are season specific. With that in mind, we designed a more generic test mat we hope will allow educators to concentrate on the teaching instead of worrying about developing materials.

Some features would include:
– A radial pattern for testing of Heading Sensors (compass, gyro, etc.)
– 4 color swatches for calibration of Color Sensors/Computer Vision Algorithms
– Curve of decreasing radius to test Line Track responsiveness/PID Tuning
– Some Robocup Rescue Line inspired tiles as part of a line tracing course
– Distance markers for validating movement algorithms and checking distance sensor values

You’ll be able to get the PDF and DWG files from our Google Drive Folder at:

If this has helped you as an individual or an educator, do leave a comment telling us what you’ve done with it! Donations are also welcome and can be made in 1 cent increments. This will help us create more content for everyone out there 🙂