Optical Encoder


This optical encoder is a cost-effective way to implement basic feedback to control motors and works well with this encoder wheel. Fret not, if you have a different motor, you could laser cut or 3D print a similar encoder wheel and this sensor will work just the same!

It utilizes an Optointerruptor, which is a light based switch. The slits on the encoder lets light through periodically, triggering the sensor. Feeding this output through an LM393 comparator, this module sends pulses which can be read by a microcontroller. Based on the number of slits on your encoder wheel, you can then figure out the angular velocity of the shaft.

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This optical encoder is a cost-effective way to implement basic feedback to control motors and works well with this encoder wheel. Fret not if you have a different setup. You could laser cut or 3D print a similar encoder wheel and this sensor will work just the same!

It utilizes an Optointerruptor, which is a light based switch. The slits on the encoder lets light through periodically, triggering the sensor. Feeding this output through an LM393 comparator, this module sends pulses which can be read by a microcontroller. Use the number of slits on your encoder wheel, to figure out the angular velocity of the shaft.